Sunday, 31 January 2016

PDF⋙ Semitic and Indo-European: Volume II: Comparative morphology, syntax and phonetics (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory) by Saul Levin

Semitic and Indo-European: Volume II: Comparative morphology, syntax and phonetics (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory) by Saul Levin

Semitic and Indo-European: Volume II: Comparative morphology, syntax and phonetics (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory)

Semitic and Indo-European: Volume II: Comparative morphology, syntax and phonetics (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory) by Saul Levin PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This is a sequel to the author's Semitic and Indo-European: The Principal Etymologies (1995). That volume provided the key examples of morphological correspondences between the Semitic and the Indo-European languages. In this sequel, the author analyzes correspondences of structure, either within a certain group of languages or belonging to a distantly related group, by looking at inflectional morphology, case, grammar, and phonology. Thus are uncovered the prehistoric means of oral communication, linking the forerunners of ancient societies in Asia, Africa, and Europe, as they talked about livestock or revealed some inner sentiment.

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Semitic and Indo-European: Volume II: Comparative morphology, syntax and phonetics (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory) by Saul Levin EPub

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