Fallen Angels: Soldiers of Satan's Realm by Bernard J. Bamberger
Fallen Angels: Soldiers of Satan's Realm by Bernard J. Bamberger PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Fantastic myths about the angels who were lured to sin and the proud angel who rebelled against God and was cast down as Satan. The problem of evil has challenged mankind ever since the dawn of intelligence. Why is there evil in the world and why do pain and suffering come upon those who do not seem to deserve it? Written in a simple, popular style, Bamberger’s book, first published in 1952, will appeal to anyone who, no matter what his own answer to the question may be, is curious to learn how it has been answered in the past or is being answered by others in our own age. The author traces the history of the belief in fallen angels in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and assembles a variety of tales and superstitions— some grotesque, others quaint and humorous. His presentation also reveals a basic divergence between Judaism and Christianity in their respective attitudes toward the devil. The concluding chapter of the work deals with the return of the devil to prominence in contemporary religious thought and shows how Judaism seeks its own solution to the problem of evil. The book contains an extensive bibliography, notes, and index.From reader reviews:
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